No more them and us.
Blended works better.
It’s not insourcing,
it’s not outsourcing, it’s co-sourcing.
Collaborative Resourcing or Co-Sourcing is the blending of a business’ internal resources with our external experts, working together to create one team achieving the same goals!
Co-Sourcing isn’t right for everyone, but it’s perfect when:
You are a funded start-up.
You are in a high growth phase.
You are currently outsourcing and ready for the next level.
You need a blend of skillsets that can’t be fulfilled by one person.
You are preparing for exit and will benefit from strengthening your Numbers, People and Systems.
How it works:
Starting with a strategic review, we identify the perfect blend of support between your current in-house resource and our team of professionals, taking account of your shape, size, industry, culture and business objectives.
We recommend a solution which means that you receive the right resource, in the right quantity and at the right time for (more often than not) one fixed monthly fee whether you use one or all three of our service areas.
There’s nothing more certain than change and we know this. We future-proof clients by helping them predict when they will need more or less support and our agile model responds quickly to demand for scaling up or down with the changing landscape.