FACT3 Guidance on March 2021 Budget
Numbers Drumbeat Numbers Drumbeat

FACT3 Guidance on March 2021 Budget

Last week’s budget held few surprises, mainly due to the large amount of content being leaked in advance. Now we have had a few days for full details to emerge, we take a look at the Budget 2021 Facts for SMEs.

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Tax incentives from the UK Government for using electric cars
Numbers Laura Gowthorpe Numbers Laura Gowthorpe

Tax incentives from the UK Government for using electric cars

The UK government is keen to achieve its Co2 emissions targets. Part of that plan includes encouraging businesses and individuals to switch to electric vehicles.

In order to make electric vehicles more attractive to individuals and companies thinking about making the change, they have put in place a host of tax savings and incentives to encourage business uptake.

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COVID-19 - Advice on Financial Support Available to SMEs
Numbers Laura Gowthorpe Numbers Laura Gowthorpe

COVID-19 - Advice on Financial Support Available to SMEs

At 5pm 17 March the UK Government provided some detail on the package of measures being taken by them to support businesses financially during COVID-19.

We’ve pulled together what we know so far, and we’ll update this as more information is released. We’ve also included some specific guidance released from the ACCA on HMRC time to pay arrangements and guidance for running your business remotely.

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Making Tax Digital
Numbers Laura Gowthorpe Numbers Laura Gowthorpe

Making Tax Digital

HMRC has announced that by 2020 the Making Tax Digital initiative will be in place meaning it will be easier for individuals and businesses to ensure their tax is correct and access their own tax affairs online via digital accounts.

At the moment, it is estimated that £8 billion a year in tax is lost from avoidable errors and so making tax digital is hopefully going to reduce these costs.

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